Andreas was a typical little boy. Full of energy and very focused on his training. Octavian was not much different in that respect except for a couple of very important factors. Octavian was born with only one arm and one leg. Green, who wasn't a Sensei at the time was told by his instructor to teach both boys and focus mainly on Octavian because he would need the individual attention due to him missing his right arm and most of his left leg. Octavian was 6 and Andreas 7 when they started their martial arts training.
Green remembers saying "Are you serious," he is missing an arm and a leg! How do you expect me to teach him?" His instructor said "Figure it out!" Green then said "Okay, I will teach him!" Fortunately, Green had a lot of patience with the little boy and would work with him, teaching him the kata and combinations to for him to earn his first belt. Octavian had prosthetic's for his missing arm and leg.
Octavian, just hanging out!
Octavian, as cool as can be!
Green did exactly what he was told and he taught Octavian all the way to his first belt, yellow. His brother Andreas earned his yellow belt as well. At this point in time, Green went off and opened a brand new martial arts school for his instructor in another city. Green lost contact with Octavian for the next 12 years until Octavian Googled his name and found that Green was talking about him being his first student this entire time. Green and Octavian as well as his brother Andreas haven't seen each
other since the spring of 1997.
Octavian stands by a Lamborghini Gallardo!
When Green finally spoke with Octavian and Andreas via email and Facebook, Green learned that Andreas had served in the U.S. Navy and then become a professional fire breather, and has impressed many with his A-M-A-Z-I-N-G abilities in the the art of fire breathing. (Do Not Try This At Home Kids!) He even successfully completed an amazing feat while the Guinness Book of World Records were present but they didn't see what he did would qualify in their record books but all the peers in his world did! Maybe, one day, Guinness can come back to see Andreas perform his "world class" performance again to ensure that what he did was truly a feat that is for the record books. Andreas continues to raise the bar in his profession and has and will inspire millions with his amazing talents.
Thank you so much for your service Andreas! We are so proud of you!
Here is Andreas wowing the crowds as only someone with his talent can!
This is one of Green's favorite pictures of Andreas!
Both boys, now men, went through high school and graduated. Octavian went off to college to further his education. Octavian he has pushed the bar, like Andreas, to what is undeniably and equally inspiring. Octavian earned his master degree in Political Science at the University of Dallas, Texas in 2016! Who would have knew a boy with only an arm and leg would accomplish this in his future? Adversity is an understatement about what he had experienced. He overcame so many obstacles!
Way to go Octavian! You did it!
This goes to show you never know how someone might end up and how you can be an influence on their life and vice versa. Octavian and Andreas are two incredible men that have became both two incredibly different people in life but are both successful in their lives nonetheless. Cheers to both of you for your grit, determination, perseverance, focus, and most of all being YOU! You are both an inspiration to the world!
Octavian smiling as he should for what he has accomplished!
As this blog comes to a close, you can hopefully see that this journey of Green and his incredible students is just getting started. Stay tuned for more inspiring stories! Remember, you never how someone will turn out! Hopefully you can be the positive light in the person's life that sparks (Andreas lol!) someone's fire inside them to help them pursue what they were meant to be.
Green cannot wait for the day to come where he can finally be reunited to the very first two students he ever taught. Maybe that day will come sooner rather than later.